-Due Diligence –
MBS can perform operational and financial reviews for acquisition clients and potential business partners, where we review and critique the efficiency and functionality of the existing operation, procedures and staff covering management, production, operations, secondary marketing, technology, and servicing.
Business Valuation; M&A
MBS provides Business Valuation Services for:
Trust Contributions
Charitable Contributions
Family Estate Planning
Business Sale
MBS uses the following tools for Valuations:
IRS Allocation Method (minority interest allocation)
Discount for Marketability based on Proprietary Database
Discount for Control based on AICPA standard
MBS can direct your M&A activity by helping you:
Perform Valuation of a Mortgage Company
Find an Acquisition Target
Coordinate Due Diligence
Support the Creation of the LOI and DA
Negotiate the Deal Point and
​Get the transaction Closed.
Whether you are buying or selling, the key to a successful sale is matching companies that are culturally and philosophically compatible. A successful mortgage lender is not the result of pricing, products, or systems it is made successful by its people. If the parties are not compatible the venture is destined for failure. The experienced M&A staff of MBS has one of the best track records in the industry of bringing together compatible parties that result in lasting unions.
MBS recognizes the importance of developing a corporate vision when entertaining into an M&A transaction. We believe that a merger without a clear and realistic vision may lead to not having a “good fit” for both the buying and selling companies. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each is a critical factor in the pre-merger analysis and a task that is not underemphasized by MBS. Integrating cultures requires paying close attention to potential cultural misalignments and developing a strategy that represents a combination of the best of both cultures.
Our M&A experts can help you with:
Creating Exit Strategies – MBS knows how to structure your operation and implement procedures to create the highest values perceived in the marketplace.
Corporate Market Valuations – MBS can determine a company’s value for use in acquisition, sale, estate planning, employee stock options, or securing credit.
Financial Analysis – MBS can help you with evaluating performance and benchmarking to peers and establishing goals to create greater value.
Extensive National or Regional Marketing Campaign – MBS can produce buyers or sellers matching the cultural profile that will result in a successful long-term relationship.
Establishing and Negotiation of “Deal Points”
Analysis and Negotiation of Definitive Agreements
Transcript from Interview with Chuck Klein about M&A activity:
With all of the recent uncertainty and regulatory changes in the mortgage industry, we are seeing more Mergers and Acquisitions activity than ever before. Some companies are looking to increase market share or expand geographic markets by acquiring existing mortgage operations. Others are simply looking to join forces to maintain Agency approval as minimum Net Worth requirements continue to increase. Others still are looking to take advantage of existing market conditions by acquiring existing mortgage operations, rather than building operations from the ground-up.
Regardless of the circumstances, two things remain abundantly clear. First, whether or not you are looking to sell your company, you should always structure your operation and implement procedures to create the highest perceived value in the marketplace. Second, the key to any successful merger or acquisition is matching companies that are culturally and philosophically compatible.